Pharma All-in-One

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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Pharmaceutical Analysis-Complexometric Titration (Multiple Choice Questions, MCQs)

Question 1: Ammonium fluoride is masking agent is used for
  • Aluminium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Heavy metals
Question 2: Magnesium oxide content in magnesium compounds like Magnesium trisilicate, Mag. Carbonate and Mag. Sulphate are determined using
  • Acid-base titration
  • Non-aqueous titration
  • Precipitation
  • Complexometric titration
Question 3: The compound not assayed by complexometric titration

  • Magnesium trisilicate 
  • Sodium calcium edetate 
  • Calcium lactate 
  • Progesterone
Question 4: Metal indicator is used in 
  • Non-aqueous titration
  • Acid -base titration
  • Complexometric titration
  • Potentiometric titration
Question 5: Mordant Black II indicator used in
  • Complexometric titration
  • Precipitation titration
  • Non-aqueous titration
  • Acid-base titration
Question 6: Which one of the following indicator used in complexometric titration
  • Methyl orange
  • Phenolphthalein
  • Catachol violet
  • Crystal violet
Question 7: Metal ions solution in a buffer is titrated with
  • EDTA
  • Non-aqueous solvent
  • Water
  • All of the above
Question 8: Calcium containing compound are analysed by
  • Aqueous titration
  • Non-aqueous titration
  • Complexometric titration
  • Potentiometric titration
Question 9: auxiliary chelating agent forming complex with one metal in presence of other metal is called as
  • Masking agents
  • Complexing agent
  • Indicator
  • All the terms have same meaning
Question 10: Which masking agent used for metal aluminium and iron
  • Triethanolamine
  • EDTA
  • Potassium Cyanide
  • Thioglycerol
    Answers of above Questions:
    1. Iron
    2. Complexometric titration
    3. Sodium calcium edetate 
    4. Complexometric titration
    5. Complexometric titration
    6. Catachol violet
    7. All of the above
    8. Complexometric titration
    9. Masking agents
    10. Triethanolamine


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    2. auxiliary chelating agent is another name of?
