Pharma All-in-One

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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence - D and C act 1940 (Multiple Choice Questions, MCQs)

Question 1: The symbol on left top corner in red on the label is XRx denotes
A. Schedule X
B. Schedule X (Bulk Form)
C. Schedule G
D. Schedule J

Question 2: Which indication must be prescribed on the label of ophthalmic ointments
A. Use within 1 month of opening
B. It is dangerous to take this preparation except under medical supervision
C. Consult to Physician if irritation persist, discontinue the use
D. Not for human use

Question 3: List of coalter colour permitted to be used in cosmetics come under the schedule
A. J
B. K
C. N
D. Q

Question 4: Medical stores are inspected by drug inspector for at least
A. Once a year
B. Twice in a year
C. Thrice in a year
D. Quarterly in a year

Question 5: PCI is reconstituted at every
A. 1 year
B. 2 year
C. 3 year
D. 5 year

Question 6: First edition of IP published in year
A. 1966
B. 1948
C. 1955
D. 1985

Question 7: Central drug laboratory is located at
A. Mumbai
B. Lacknow
C. Calcutta
D. Hyderabad

Question 8: The register for sale of drug is maintained for period of
A. 1 year
B. 3 years
C. 4 years
D. 5 years

Question 9: Specify the form number required for licence for retail sale of schedule C and C1 drug
A. 22
B. 21
C. 19
D. 18

Question 10: The poison act was passed in year
A. 1919
B. 1887
C. 1948
D. 1987

Answers of above Questions:
1.    Schedule X (Bulk Form)
2.    Use within 1 month of opening
3.    Schedule Q
4.    Twice in a year
5.    5 year
6.    1955
7.    Calcutta
8.    3 years
9.    21
10.  1919

    Pharmaceutical Analysis-Complexometric Titration (Multiple Choice Questions, MCQs)

    Question 1: Ammonium fluoride is masking agent is used for
    • Aluminium
    • Copper
    • Iron
    • Heavy metals
    Question 2: Magnesium oxide content in magnesium compounds like Magnesium trisilicate, Mag. Carbonate and Mag. Sulphate are determined using
    • Acid-base titration
    • Non-aqueous titration
    • Precipitation
    • Complexometric titration
    Question 3: The compound not assayed by complexometric titration

    • Magnesium trisilicate 
    • Sodium calcium edetate 
    • Calcium lactate 
    • Progesterone
    Question 4: Metal indicator is used in 
    • Non-aqueous titration
    • Acid -base titration
    • Complexometric titration
    • Potentiometric titration
    Question 5: Mordant Black II indicator used in
    • Complexometric titration
    • Precipitation titration
    • Non-aqueous titration
    • Acid-base titration
    Question 6: Which one of the following indicator used in complexometric titration
    • Methyl orange
    • Phenolphthalein
    • Catachol violet
    • Crystal violet
    Question 7: Metal ions solution in a buffer is titrated with
    • EDTA
    • Non-aqueous solvent
    • Water
    • All of the above
    Question 8: Calcium containing compound are analysed by
    • Aqueous titration
    • Non-aqueous titration
    • Complexometric titration
    • Potentiometric titration
    Question 9: auxiliary chelating agent forming complex with one metal in presence of other metal is called as
    • Masking agents
    • Complexing agent
    • Indicator
    • All the terms have same meaning
    Question 10: Which masking agent used for metal aluminium and iron
    • Triethanolamine
    • EDTA
    • Potassium Cyanide
    • Thioglycerol
      Answers of above Questions:
      1. Iron
      2. Complexometric titration
      3. Sodium calcium edetate 
      4. Complexometric titration
      5. Complexometric titration
      6. Catachol violet
      7. All of the above
      8. Complexometric titration
      9. Masking agents
      10. Triethanolamine

      Sunday, March 31, 2019

      Biochemistry - Carbohydrates (Multiple Choice Questions, MCQs)

      Question 1: For blood glucose estimation in the laboratory, what should be added to prevent glycolysis by the cell?
      • Mg2+
      • Fluoride ions
      • Mn2+
      • K+ ion
      Question 2: Which of the following pathways occurs in the mitochondrial fraction of the cell? 
      • Embden-meyerhot pathway
      • TCA Cycle
      • Gluconeogenesis
      • Glucogenesis
      Question 3: How many ATP Molecules are yielded by the complete oxidation of glucose
      • 22
      • 40
      • 38
      • 32
      Question 4: The conversion of fructose -1,6-bisphosphate to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate is catalysed by?
      • Phosphoglycerate kinase
      • Enolase
      • Aldolase
      • Triose Phosphate isomerase
      Question 5:  In glycolysis, glucose is converted to gluco se-6-phosphate in presence of enzyme
      • Glucokinase
      • Phosphoglucomutase
      • Aldolase
      • Ketoglutorate dehydrogenase
       Question 6:  The intermediate in HMP shunt is
      • D-Ribulose
      • D-Ribose
      • D-Lyxose
      • L-xylose
      Question 7: Glycogen is present in all body tissues except
      • Liver
      • Brain
      • Kidney 
      • Stomach
      Question 8:  Epimer of Glucose is
      • Fructose
      • Galactose
      • Ribose 
      • Deoxyribose
      Question 9: The absorption of glucose is decreased by deficiency of
      • Vitamin A
      • Vitamin D
      • Vitamin B1
      • Vitamin B12
      Question 10: Which of the following hormone increases absorption of glucose from GIT?
      • Insulin
      • Thyroid hormones
      • Glucagon
      • FSH
      Answers of above Questions:
      1. Fluoride ions
      2. TCA Cycle
      3. 38
      4. Aldolase
      5. Glucokinase
      6. D-Ribulose
      7. Brain
      8. Galactose
      9. Vitamin B1
      10. Thyroid hormones

      Sunday, March 10, 2019

      How to write Manuscript / research article for high impact factor / Pubmed indexed Journal

      How to write Manuscript ?

      Common reasons of manuscript rejection 

      • Basic writing and presentation
      • Fragmentation and lack of integration
      • Lack of significance and originality
      • Poor research design, description of methods, presentation of results
      • Inadequate discussion and conclusion
      • grammatical and typographical errors
      • Plagiarized content (Plagiarism)
      • Copyright
      • Duplicate Submission

      Who’s on first author ?
      • First author - Make the greatest contribution to the work
      • Equal authorship - Those who equally contributed to the study à Usually first and second authors.
      • Last author - Usually senior researcher à Head of the department, often corresponding author (Guarantor of the integrity of the whole research work who guide throughout research and writing)
      MANUSCRIPT Sections (Mandatory Sections)
      • Abstract
      • Introduction
      • Methods
      • Results
      • Discussion
      • References
      • Tables and Figures (If any)

      Title Page

      Title : study design be a part of the title; Avoid abbreviations in the title of the manuscript.

      Short title: usually no more than 40 characters

      Author information: highest academic degrees, affiliated institute

      Title page should list the corresponding authors’ telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address.

      Source(s) of support

      Word count :excluding its abstract, acknowledgments, tables, figure legends, and references

      Conflict of Interest declaration


      Structured abstracts: Original research, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses 

      Methods: Selection of study participants, settings, measurements, analytical methods 

      Results: Giving specific effect sizes and their statistical and clinical significance. Authors need to ensure that they accurately reflect the content of the article. 

      Conclusion: Specific and precise to objective of the study


      • Nature of the problem and its significance
      • Specific purpose or research objective of, or hypothesis tested
      • Do not include data or conclusions from the work being reported


      • Information that was available at the time the plan or protocol
      • Organization was paid or otherwise contracted to help conduct the research – should be mentioned.
      • Statement indicating that the research was approved by IRB/ IEC.
      • Research was conducted according to the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki should be included.
      • Selection and Description of Participants 
      • Healthy individuals or patients, including controls 
      • Inclusion and exclusion criteria 
      • Technical Information 
      • Primary and secondary outcomes 
      • Give the manufacturer’s name and address in parentheses 
      • Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used, including generic name(s), dose(s), and route(s) of administration 
      • Specify the statistical software package(s) and versions used.
      • appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (such as confidence intervals).


      • Do not repeat all the data in the tables or figures in the text à summarize only the most important observations.
      • Give absolute numbers not only percentages
      • Do not duplicate data in graphs and tables
      • Avoid nontechnical uses of technical terms used in statistics like “Random”, “normal,” “significant,” “correlations,” “sample” 


      • To begin the discussion by briefly summarizing the main findings
      • Explore possible mechanisms or explanations for these findings
      • State the limitations of your study
      • Explore future research and for clinical practice
      • Do not repeat data or information from introduction and results
      • Link the conclusions with the goals of the study
      • avoid making statements on economic benefits and costs unless the manuscript includes the appropriate economic data and analyses
      • References
      • Direct references to original research sources whenever possible
      • Do not use conference abstracts as references
      • ICMJE considers PubMed the authoritative source for information about retractions.
      • References cited only in tables or figure legends should be numbered in accordance with the sequence established by the first identification in the text of the particular table or figure
      • Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used for MEDLINE

      Tables and Figures

      • Number tables or figures consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and supply a title for each.
      • Be sure that each table is cited in the text.
      • Symbols may be alphabet letter or such symbols as *, †, ‡, §
      • Identify statistical measures of variations, such as standard deviation and standard error of the mean.
      • Acknowledge the original source and submit written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce it
      • Legends for illustrations should be on a separate page, with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations.


      • Follow best practice guidelines
      • International Society for Medical Publication Professionals (ISMPP),
      • International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE),
      • EQUATOR (Enhancing the Quality and Transparency Of health Research) Network,
      • Good Publication Practice (GPP),
      • Medical Publishing Insights and Practices (MPIP).
      • Permits from ethical review boards 
      • Perform a plagiarism check  (iThenticate, PlagTracker and Viper)

      Reporting trials:


      Friday, March 08, 2019

      Immunology | immunity | Innate (non-specific) and Adaptive (specific) immunity


      Immunity or resistance is the ability to ward off damage or disease through our defenses
      The two general types of immunity
      ü  Innate (nonspecific) immunity refers to defenses that are present at birth.  Among the components of innate immunity are the first line of defense (the physical and chemical barriers of the skin and mucous membranes) and the second line of defense (antimicrobial substances, natural killer cells, phagocytes, inflammation, and fever).
      ü  Adaptive (specific) immunity refers to defenses that involve specific recognition of a microbe once it has breached the innate immunity defenses. Adaptive immunity is based on a specific response to a specific microbe; that is, it adapts or adjusts to handle a specific microbe. Adaptive immunity involves lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) called T lymphocytes (T cells) and B lymphocytes (B cells).

      Tuesday, March 05, 2019

      Cardiovascular System (CVS) | Anti-hypertensive agents | Mechanism of action

      Anti-hypertensive agents

      Hypertension is defined as a sustained diastolic blood pressure greater than 90 mm Hg accompanied by an elevated systolic blood pressure (>140 mm)

      Sunday, March 03, 2019

      GPAT 2020: How to Study ?

      GPAT 2020: How to Study ?

      What is GPAT ?
      • GRADUATE PHARMACY APTITUDE TEST (GPAT) is a national level entrance examination for entry into M. Pharm programmes.
      • Till 2018, it was conducted by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) every year.
      • The Test will now be conducted by the NTA (National Testing Agency).

      Pharmacology (Basics): Mechanism of drug action

      Pharmacology (Basics): Mechanism of drug action

      Mechanism of drug action:

      Four major bio-molecular targets:
      1. Enzymes
      2. Ions channels
      3. Transporter or carrier molecules
      4. Receptors